The Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe was approved as a Tribal Historic Preservation Office in July 2020. The Tribal Historic Preservation Office identifies, preserves, and protects Paiute and Shoshone culture and heritage, tribal cultural resources, the Tribe’s historic and cultural knowledge base, and creating a place to store its history.
The Tribal Historic Preservation Officer or Coordinator is the counterpart to the State Preservation Office. The THPO consults with federal, state, and local agencies on preservation and cultural issues of interest and importance to the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe.
The Cultural Committee acts as the advisory board to the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and they work together to ensure the preservation and continuance of the Fallon Paiute-Shoshones cultural heritage for all generations.
Project Notification and Consultation Request Form
The Tribal Historic Preservation Office as prepared the documents below to assist agencies with “best practices” for Tribal Consultation with FPST pursuant to Section 106. The Project Notification and Consultations Request form has been established to aid the Tribal Historic Preservation Office with notifications and consultations with federally funded project taking
place on Reservation and Traditional Ancestral Land.