Water & Sanitation

The Water and Sanitation Department was created to provide safe drinking water to the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Colony and Reservation. The water and Sanitation Department is responsible for the daily operation, maintenance, monitoring, record keeping, and repairs of the Arsenic Treatment Plant, the Tribal Water Distribution system, the Tribal Lift Stations, and the Tribal Wastewater Lagoon System. The Water and Sanitation Department also works with the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribal Council, Indian Health Service (IHS), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and other agencies to stay in compliance with all regulations for each system.

If you notice a leak along the water distribution system, please call the Water & Sanitation’s 24 hour On-Call number at 775-217-0312. Note: The Water and Sanitation Departments responsibility to maintain is the main line up to the meter pit. From the meter pit to the residence is the customers service line and is the responsibility of the property owner to maintain.

If you will be digging on your property, or anywhere along the Distribution System please call the Water & Sanitation’s On-Call at 775-217-0312 several days in advance of digging so that main water lines can be marked. The Water & Sanitation Department are not a part of USA 811 “Call before you dig” and must be called directly. Note: While the mains will be marked, occasionally we can give an estimate on where customer service lines are/should be due to experience or most common practice, but it’s only an educated guess. Care should always be taken when digging around possible utilities.

It is required for the Water & Sanitation Department to occasionally do hydrant flushing to exercise the Fire Hydrants and to flush water lines. During these times of high flow, it is common for sediment to be stirred up and potentially cause discoloration until it settles back out. We encourage customers to refrain from using water while were flushing in their area so as not to draw that discoloration into their service lines. However, if that does happen, it will settle out over time, and then the customer can run their cold water to flush out their service lines.

Currently the region is located in a drought. We ask that all consumers on the potable water system conserve so that we can all enjoy this resource for a long time.

The Water and Sanitation staff would like to encourage any community members to come and tour the water treatment plant. For a tour, please call the Public Works Director at 775-427-9954.

Meet Our Staff Members

Linda Loebs

Grant Administrator

Andrew Hicks

Vice Chairman

Vanessa Charley

Vocational Rehab Counselor

Teresa McDonald

Law Enforcement Secretary

Robert Griggs

Acting Tribal Police Sgt

Michelle Bowers

Victim Services Director

Rachel Laca

Payroll Accountant

Jean Marshall

Senior Accountant

Lynn Castro


Edwin Conway

Council Member

Jill Wright

Communications Coordinator

Kari Gonzalez

Victim Services Advocate

Rosalinda Gabriel

Tribal Administrator Assistant

Stan Lau

Project Manager

Sherry Nash

FBC Secretary Assistant

Tiffany Welch

Tax & TERO Assistant

Russell Dyer-Redner

ARPA Manager

Brenda Moore

Accounts Payable

Michelle Welch


Vicki Moyle


Leona Mineard

Human Resources Generalist

Phillip Johnson

FPST Secretary

Cathi Tuni

Tribal Chairman

Denea Moyle-Zulz

Grants Accountant

Lisa Bedoy

CLC Director

David Blackeye

Chief of Tribal Police

Kae Ward

Judicial Manager

Juliana Dixon

Chairman’s Assistant

Yvonne Mori

Stepping Stones Director

Austin Little

CLC Education Specialist

Richard Black

Environmental Manager

Letisha Yellowhawk

Cultural & Library Coordinator

Krystina Dalton

Court Clerk

Steve Naylor

IT Specialist

Jonell Strawbuck


Ileana Henry

Environmental Specialist

Krystal Williams

Housing Specialist

Sandra Hicks

Grants Compliance Officer

Adrian Tom

Native Connections Project Director

Rosalie Allen

Enrollment Coordinator

Donald Lonewolf


Britt Edralin


Christopher Bagaforo


Tommy Kee


Shannon Kiele

Maintenance Tech