Vocational Rehabilitation Program

What is Vocational Rehab?

Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) is a federally funded employment program for eligible Native Americans with a diagnosed disability residing in our service areas: Churchill County, Pershing County, and Nye County.

Purpose of VR

Our purpose is to help eligible individuals with disabilities get or keep a job. Applicants must be qualified to receive VR services; VR is not an entitlement program. If you are eligible, both you and our vocational rehabilitation counselor will help identify a suitable job goal, determine the services needed to become ready for the job, and assist with the employment search. Any services provided must be in support of your employment goal.

Our Location:

1007 Rio Vista Drive
Fallon, NV 89406-5463

Phone: (775) 428-2250
Fax: (775) 423-8960

Office Hours:

Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Eligibility Requirements

You Must:

  1. Be an enrolled member of a Federally Recognized Tribe
  2. Reside on the boundaries of the following areas:
    • Churchill County or the Fallon Reservation/Colony
    • Nye County or the Yomba Reservation
    • Pershing County or the Lovelock Colony
  3. Have a documented physical or mental disability that makes it hard for you to receive or keep employment

VR Process

Step 1: Applying for Services by Contacting the VR program
Step 2: Determining Eligibility within a 60 Day Timeframe
Step 3: Career Exploration & Developing an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE)
Step 4: Following Your Plan Developed Between You and Your VR Counselor
Step 5: Finding a Job That Fits Your Interests and Abilities
Step 6: Successfully Employed After 90 Days of Consistent Employment

What to Expect

VR is a commitment, partnership, and a process. Your rehabilitation process can take several months from application to successful employment. VR will work with you to identify any disability-related barriers you may have that are interfering with your ability to obtain or sustain employment and to develop solutions to address and overcome those barriers.

Together you and your VR Counselor will:

  1. Assess your strengths, resources, priorities, abilities, capabilities, interests, and rehabilitation needs
  2. Explore, clarify, and determine your employment and career choices
  3. Address your disability-related barriers to employment
  4. Develop and carry out a plan for employment (IPE) that will result in suitable employment
  5. Maintain contact for several months after successful employment


Types of VR Services

Some VR Services include but are not limited to:

  • Training or education to help you find employment.
  • Occupational license, tools, equipment or technology which may aid in helping you hold a job.
  • Vocational counseling and guidance to assist you in selecting a job goal.
  • Assessments to determine your job skills and interests.
  • On-the-job training, job search assistance, job interview skills, follow-up and follow-along services.
  • Transition services for students with disabilities.
  • Traditional healing services.

Meet Our Staff Members

Sherry Nash

FBC Secretary Assistant

Cathi Tuni

Tribal Chairman

Robert Griggs

Acting Tribal Police Sgt

Teresa McDonald

Law Enforcement Secretary

Vanessa Charley

Vocational Rehab Counselor

Andrew Hicks

Vice Chairman

Edwin Conway

Council Member

Linda Loebs

Grant Administrator

Jill Wright

Communications Coordinator

Kari Gonzalez

Victim Services Advocate

Rosalinda Berreman

Tribal Administrator Assistant

Michelle Bowers

Victim Services Director

Tiffany Welch

Tax & TERO Assistant

Russell Dyer-Redner

ARPA Manager

Brenda Moore

Accounts Payable

Michelle Welch


Leona Mineard

Human Resources Director

Phillip Johnson

FPST Secretary

Steve Austin

Natural Resources Director

Anthony Berreman

CLC Director

Shasta Juarez

Chief of Police

Rachel Laca

Payroll Accountant

Jean Marshall

Senior Accountant

Lynn Castro


Vicki Moyle


Denea Moyle-Zulz

Grants Accountant

Kae Ward

Judicial Manager

Richard Black

Environmental Manager

Austin Little

CLC Education Specialist

Yvonne Mori

Stepping Stones Director

Juliana Dixon

Chairman’s Assistant

Krystina Dalton

Court Clerk

Letisha Yellowhawk

Cultural & Library Coordinator

Steve Naylor

IT Specialist

Ileana Henry

Environmental Specialist

Jonell Strawbuck


Sandra Hicks

Grants Compliance Officer

Krystal Williams

Housing Specialist

Adrian Tom

Native Connections Project Director

Rosalie Allen

Enrollment Coordinator

Donald Lonewolf


Britt Edralin


Christopher Bagaforo


Tommy Kee


Shannon Kiele

Maintenance Tech